Евсеенков А.С.
Ахтерштевень (нидерл. achtersteven - дословно "задний стояк") - задняя оконечность корабля в виде жесткой балки или рамы, на которую навешивается руль. На эту часть корабля вертикально замыкается каркас борта, борт и киль. Как видно из происхождения названия - термин современный, и относится к более поздним эпохам, однако технически данные элементы имелись и у античных кораблей.
Схема расположения ахтерштевеня (красный) и аплустра (зеленый) на триреме
Diagram of the achtersteven from Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
In antiquity, the achtersteven served several key functions:
- Structural support: The achtersteven connected and reinforced various parts of the ship, especially at the rear where the rudder was attached. This provided overall structural integrity to the vessel, crucial for its buoyancy and reliability.
- Steering: Attaching the rudder to the achtersteven allowed for more precise control of the ship's movement. In antiquity, rudders were relatively simple, usually consisting of a large flat board mounted vertically and manually operated.
- Hydrodynamic shape: An important aspect of the achtersteven was its role in shaping the stern of the vessel, influencing the ship's hydrodynamic properties. A smooth, streamlined shape reduced water resistance, contributing to increased speed and maneuverability of the vessel.
- Ancient shipbuilding underwent significant changes, and the achtersteven evolved along with it. The earliest forms of achterstevens can be found on Egyptian vessels and Phoenician galleys, where they consisted of a simple wooden beam. Over time, with the advancement of technology and the increasing complexity of seafaring, achtersteven structures became more complex and functional.
In Ancient Rome, the achtersteven often featured decorative elements symbolizing the power and prestige of the ship. Some Roman vessels, such as military galleys, were adorned with reliefs and decorations on the achtersteven, adding not only functionality but also aesthetic value to the ship.
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