Make Roma Great Again
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Education is an important part of the activities of the Legio X Fretensis club. We organize interactive educational points at various events, as well as give professional lectures. In addition, every year we have a circle called "Revived History", which aims to provide children with additional education with a historical bias. Also, our professional teachers will be able to give online consultations and history classes on any topic!

A Revived Story

Revived History is a children's history club at the Legio X Fretensis club, located on the basis of DDT in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg. The main branches are located in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

The work of our creative association is aimed at developing children's interest in history, revealing their creative potential, and harmonious physical and moral development.

Each lesson consists of two parts:

Here is not a complete list of some of the topics of practical classes:

Our students take part in historical holidays, thematic festivals, various tournaments and competitions in St. Petersburg and the region.

Head teacher of the club:

Alexander Yakovlevich Bagerman: +7 921 323-86-44

Additional education

As part of your additional education, you can order individual classes from our certified specialists. In particular, the teacher of the history of Antiquity Alexandra Gracheva, the author of many scientific articles on our website, will be happy to teach you and your children the history of Ancient Greece and Rome. Alexandra has extensive experience in individual work with students and students of the humanities in preparation for entrance and current exams in the history of Antiquity.

Education and experience:

2013: St. Petersburg State University, Institute of History, Department of the History of Ancient Greece and Rome. Specialty " Historian. History teacher."

2014: St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology, Educational Center for Additional Qualifications. Qualification "Guide-translator from English".

Since 2018: St. Petersburg State University, Institute of History, Department of the History of Ancient Greece and Rome. Graduate student

2019 г.: University of Hamburg, Department of History. PhD student

Teacher's contacts:

Alexandra Dmitrievna Gracheva: +7 921 657-76-40