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Roman Legion - Legio I Italica

Багерман А.Я., Евсеенков А.С.

Legio I Italica (First Italian Legion) was a Roman legion created in September 66 or 67 AD by Emperor Nero (ruled from 54 to 68 AD) for the purpose of participating in the emperor's future campaign in Armenia and other eastern lands.

Legion name: Legio I Italica (First Italian Legion)

Dates of existence: From September 66/67 AD to the mid-5th century, after which it was transformed into comitatenses.

Logo: Boar, bull

Nickname: Antoniniana (Antonine), Severiana (Severan), Gordiana (Gordian), Pia Fidelis (Pious and Loyal)

Battle Path

Ruins of the First Italic Legion camp at Novae
Tile with the stamp of the First Italic Legion
Altar dedicated to Liber Pater by the First Italic Legion. Svishtov Museum, Bulgaria. 1st century AD

Road inscription from the time of Aurelian. Qasr al-Azraq. 273 AD
Altar dedicated to Apollo by the First Italic Legion. Svishtov Museum, Bulgaria. 1st century AD

Denarius of Emperor Septimius Severus with a mention of Legio I Italica. 2nd century AD

Silver coin of Emperor Gallienus with a mention of Legio I Italica. 2nd century AD

Related topics

List of Roman Legions, The Roman Empire, Legion, Legionnaires, Legio XI Claudia, Komitatens, Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajan, Dux, Notitia Dignitatum


1. Kanya River. A brief history of the various Roman legions.

2. Emil Ritterling. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Legio (I Italica). Band XII,2. — Stuttgart, 1925. — 1407—1417 p.

3. Julian Bennett. Trajan. Optimus Princeps. — Routledge, 1997.

4. Gabriele Wesch-Klein. Soziale Aspekte des römischen Heerwesens in der Kaiserzeit. — Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998.

5. Marietta Horster. Novae. In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde (RGA). 2. Auflage. Band 21. — Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2002.

6. M. Absil, "Legion I Italica", in: Yann Le Boek, Les legions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire (2000, Lyon) 228-238.

7. A. B. Bernatsky and N. Sharankov, "A hitherto unknown aspect of the military activities of the Italian Legion I in the light of the recently discovered pedestal with a Greek inscription from Nova" in Archaeologia Bulgarica 22/3 (2018) 1-19.

8. MP Speidel and J. Reynolds, " Veteran of the Legio I Parthica of Carian Aphrodisias ", in Epigraphica Anatolica 5 (1985) 31-35.