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Roman Legion - Legio III Augusta

Багерман А.Я.

Legio III Augusta (Third Augustan Legion) was a Roman legion formed in 43 BCE by consul Gaius Vibius Pansa by the order of Octavian Augustus.

Name: Legio III Augusta (Third Augustan Legion)

Dates of existence: 43 BCE – early 5th century CE

Logo: Winged horse Pegasus, Capricorn

Nickname: Latin: Constans, Perpetua, Pia Fidelis (Constant, Eternal, Loyal and Faithful)

Battle Path

Ruins of the fort Bu-Njem, built by soldiers of the 3rd Augustan Legion around 200 CE.
Lepcis Magna (museum in Libya). Monument to Gavius Macer, Inscription. About 19 CE.
Inscription related to Legio III Augusta. Madaure, Lapidarium Museum, Algeria.

Ruins of the military base of Legio III Augusta in Lambaesis, Groma. Algeria. Lambaesis - ruins of an ancient Roman city in modern Algeria. 260 CE.
Tombstone of an officer of Legio III Augusta, born in Carthage and buried in Cologne. Museum of Cologne, Germany.
Tombstone of C. Geminius Celsus, a legionary of Legio III Augusta. Lepcis Magna (museum in Libya). 1st-2nd century CE.

Rules for the trumpeters of Legio III Augusta. Lambaesis (ruins of an ancient Roman city in modern Algeria). The find is kept in the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. 202 CE.

Coin of Legio III Augusta. Brussels, Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis. 1st century CE.

Related topics

List of Roman Legions, Legion, Legionnaire, Octavian Augustus, Legio I Macriana Liberatrix , Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajan, Year of the Four Emperors
