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Roman Legion - Legio IX Hispana

Багерман А.Я.

Legio IX Hispana (Ninth Spanish Legion) was a combat unit of the regular Roman army, existing from the 1st century BC until 120 AD.

Dates of existence: 65 BC - Last mention of the legion dates back to 120 AD, although there are versions suggesting that parts of the legion participated in later campaigns.

Symbol: Bull

Nickname: Hispana (Spanish)

Battle Path

The last mention of the Ninth Spanish Legion in Britain is an inscription from the year 108 on a stone in York, England, which is now in the York Museum.
The Silchester Eagle – a Roman bronze figure discovered in 1866 in Silchester. Reading Museum. 1st-2nd century AD.
Seal of the Ninth Legion on a clay tile. Fortress in Caerleon, England. 1st century AD.

Theories on the Disappearance and Demise of the Legion

Tombstone of Lucius Ducius Rufinus, the standard-bearer of the IX legion. Yorkshire Museum. Early 2nd century AD.

Related topics

List of Roman Legions, Legion, Legionnaire, Legio VIII Bis Augusta, Legio X Fretensis, Gnaeus Pompey the Great, Gaius Julius Caesar, Octavian Augustus
