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Roman Legion - Legio XIII Gemina Pia Fidelis

Багерман А.Я.

Legio XIII Gemina (Thirteenth Twin Legion) was a Roman legion formed by either Gaius Julius Caesar or Augustus during the Republic era.

Date of existence: 57 BC. The legion existed until the early 5th century AD.

Symbol: Lion

Nicknames: Gemina (Twin/Twin), Pia Fidelis (Loyal and Loyal)

There are two theories regarding the creation of the Thirteenth Legion:

1. The legion was created by Gaius Julius Caesar in 57 BC to participate in the Gallic War (58-50 BC). It received its cognomen Gemina (Twin) during Octavian's time, who reconstituted the legion in 41 BC by assembling legionaries from various Caesar’s legions.

1. The legion was created by Octavian Augustus in 6 BC to participate in the Pannonian War and was immediately given its cognomen Gemina (Twin) because it was formed from legionaries of the Thirteenth and another unknown legion merged with it. This theory was supported by the famous 19th-century German historian T. Mommsen. However, Roman historian Titus Livius reports that legionaries of Legio XIII Gemina accompanied Caesar during his famous crossing of the Rubicon River (the boundary between Rome and Gaul) in 49 BC, which argues against this

Battle Path

Part of the inscription in the wall of Vindobona, mentioning the centurion's name and his legion Leg. XIII Gem. Museum RÖmermuseum in Vienna (Austria). Around 84 - 114 AD.
Tombstone of legionary Urvinus from the XIII Twin Legion. Museum of Mainz, Germany. 9-16 AD.
Tombstone. Baalbek - Palmyra. Syria - Temple of Jupiter, Great Court. G. Pacideius. 1st century AD.

Construction tile with the legion’s stamp. Private collection. 1st century AD.

Related topics

List of Roman Legions, Legion, Legionnaire, Gaius Julius Caesar, Year of the Four Emperors, Year of the Five Emperors, Octavian Augustus, Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajan


1. Dandelot-Collins. Legions of Rome

2. R. Kanya. A brief history of the various legions.

3. A. S. Hall, "Two Veterans of the XIII Gemini in Iconium", in: S. Mitchell (eds.), Armies and Borders in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia (1983) 35-40

4. JK Haalebos, "Römische Truppen in Nijmegen", in: Yann Le Boheck, Legion of Rome and Empire (2000 Lyon) 465-489

5. I. Piso, "Legends of the Province of the Province of Dacia", in: Jan Le Bogec, Legion of Rome, Empire of the Upper (2000 Lyon) 205-225

6. K. Wolf, "La legio XIII Gemina au Ier siècle", in: Yann Le Bohec, " The Legion of Rome and the Upper Empire "(2000 Lyon) 203-204