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Roman Legion - Legio XVI Flavia Firma

Багерман А.Я.

The Legio XVI Flavia Firma (Sixteenth Steadfast Flavian Legion) was a Roman legion formed in AD 70 by Emperor Vespasian from former legionnaires of Legio XVI Gallica, who had disgraced themselves during the Batavian rebellion of AD 69-70.

Dates of existence: AD 70 – early 5th century AD.

Emblem: Initially a lion, later changed to Pegasus.

Nickname: Flavia Firma (Steadfast Flavian), Severi (Severan), Flavia Fidelis (Flavian Faithful).

Battle Path

Roman Forum, Arch of Severus, Relief on the West Side, Model: The Capture of Ctesiphon, Fragment. Museum of Rome. 2nd Century AD.
Roman Bridge of Sendere
North-West Inscription Mentioning Legio XVI Flavia Firma's Construction of the Bridge Over the Sendere River. AD 203-204.

Related topics

List of Roman Legions, Legion, Legionnaire, Legio XVI Gallica, Diocletian, Notification Dignitatum


1. Emil Ritterling. Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Legio (XVI Flavia). Band XII,2. — Stuttgart, 1925. — 1765—1768 p.

2. Oliver Stoll. Römisches Heer und Gesellschaft. — Stuttgart: Steiner, 2001.

3. Axel Gebhardt. Imperiale Politik und provinziale Entwicklung. — Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 2002.

4. Peter Edwell. Between Rome and Persia. The middle Euphrates, Mesopotamia and Palmyra under Roman control. — London: Routledge, 2008.

5. R. Cagnat. A Brief History of Various Legions.

6. Stephen Dando-Collins. "Legions of Rome: The Complete History of Every Imperial Roman Legion." Moscow: Centerpoligraf Publishing House, 2017.