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Roman Legion - Legio III Cyrenaica

Багерман А.Я., Евсеенков А.С.

Legio III Cyrenaica (Third Cyrenaican Legion) was a Roman legion formed by Marcus Lepidus to hold Cyrenaica.

Dates of existence: 36 BC to the 5th century AD

Symbol: Unknown, possibly a lion or Victoria.

Nickname: Cyrenaica (Cyrenaican), later Claudiana, Severiana, Valeriana, Galliena.

Battle Path

The exact date of the legion's creation is unknown, with four prevailing theories:

1) Some authors believe the legion was created by Marcus Lepidus, a member of the Second Triumvirate, in 36 BC when he was governing Cyrenaica.

2) Others think the legion was formed by Mark Antony when he was governor of Cyrenaica around 36 BC.

3) Another group suggests the legion was created before 30 BC and, after participating in the conquest of Egypt, was stationed in Cyrenaica.

4) Emperor Octavian may have named the legion for its operations in that region.

An inscription from 117 AD that mentions Legio III Cyrenaica
Mark Antony coin (Denarius), 30s BC

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List of Roman Legions, Legion, Legionnaire,Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, Octavian Augustus, Mark Antony, Legio XXII Deiotariana, Year of the Four Emperors, Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajan, Notification Dignitatum, Dux
