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Roman Legion - Legio V Alaudae

Багерман А.Я.

Legio V Alaudae (Fifth Legion of the Larks) was a Roman legion formed by Gaius Julius Caesar during the Republic.

Dates of existence: around 52 BC. Existed until 70 or 87 AD.

Symbol: Elephant. Despite the legion being called "the larks," its symbol was an elephant. This is due to the reward for military merits displayed by the legion in 49 BC during Caesar's African campaign, where it successfully fought against the war elephants of the Numidian King Juba I.

Battle Path

Roman legionary token. First half of the 1st century AD.
Denarius of Mark Antony, minted in honor of the Larks Legion in the 30s BC. Private collection.
Denarius of Mark Antony, minted in honor of the Larks Legion in the 30s BC. Private collection.

Related topics

List of Roman Legions, Legion, Legionnaire, Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey the Great, Mark Antony, Octavian Augustus, Legio V Macedonica


1. Dandelot-Collins. Legions of Rome.

2. R. Kanya. A brief history of the various legions.

3. Bishop M.C. Legio V Alaudae and the crested lark // Journal of Roman military equipment studies 1990, vol.1, S. 161–164.

4. Strobel K. Die Legio V Alaudae in Moesien // Historia 1988, Bd.37, S. 504–508.

5. Franke T. Legio V Alaudae / Les légions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire. Yann Le Bohec (Ed.). Lyon, 2000, p. 39–48.