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Евсеенков А.С.

Dimacher (Latin: dimachaerus) a rare type of ancient Roman gladiator armed with two daggers or gladii. The name "dimachaerus" literally means "with two swords" or "dual swordsman" (from the Greek Διμάχαιρος). The equipment of a dimachaerus consisted of a helmet, short greaves, manicae (armguards), and torso protection such as lorica hamata (chainmail) and cardiofylax (breastplate). The helmet was likely a hybrid of types I-III, with wide brims and face-covering like the helmets of other gladiators. Dimachaeri could be armed with various cold weapons such as sicae, gladii, or pugiones.

It is uncertain which type of gladiator was the opponent of the dimachaerus in the arena. They might have fought against each other or against scissor fighters. Romans considered the dimachaerus to be one of the most dangerous fighters in the arena.

Tombstone with a dimacher. Found in Turkey. Stored in the Cinquantenaire Museum, Brussels. 2-3 century AD
Bas-relief. Dimacher. Hierapolis, Pamukkale. Turkey. 2-3 century AD
Bas-relief with gladiators. Found in Ephesus, Turkey. Stored in the Neues Museum, Berlin. 3rd century AD

Diemacher's equipment:

During the reenactment of a gladiatorial combat, it is recommended to use authentic footwear such as caligae.

Diemacher, reconstruction

Related topics

Gladiator, Helmet, Okrea, Balteus, Subligaculum, Gladius, Pugio, Sica, Lorica Hamata


Diemacher's fight with scissor. Hierapolis, Pamukkale. Turkey. 2-3 century AD