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Евсеенков А.С.

The Scissor (Latin: scissor) or Arbelas (Latin: arbelas) was an ancient Roman gladiator armed with a gladius and a special crescent-shaped knife attached to a wrist guard. The name of this gladiator comes from the Latin word scindo, meaning "to cut" or "to carve."

The alternative name "Arbelas" is mentioned by the ancient Greek writer Artemidorus of Daldis in his treatise "Oneirocritica" ("The Interpretation of Dreams"). Here, the Arbelas is described as one of the types of gladiators who might appear in a dream to indicate marriage prospects (the appearance of an Arbelas in a dream, like that of a Dimachaerus, predicts a bad wife). This name possibly originates from the ancient Greek word ἄρβηλος, meaning a crescent-shaped shoemaker's knife, similar to an Eskimo ulu, which the Scissor (Arbelas) held in his left hand instead of a shield. This weapon was used to inflict shallow but extremely bleeding wounds on the opponent. In addition to this, the Scissor was armed with a gladius or pugio, which he held in his right hand. The Scissor's protective equipment included a closed helmet, a lorica hamata or plate armor, a manica, and short greaves. Like the Dimachaerus, the Scissor did not carry a shield.

It is believed that Scissors most often fought against Retiarii in the arena. This is why the Scissor’s helmet was similar to that of the Secutor – streamlined in shape with small eye holes.

Scissor's Tombstone Relief. Louvre, Paris. 1st-2nd century AD.
Scissor from Halicarnassus. Bodrum, Museum of Underwater Archaeology. 1st-3rd century AD.
Reconstructed crescent-shaped knife of the Scissor.

Scissor's Equipment:

Traditionally, gladiators fought on sand, but when reconstructing the battle on a hard surface, it is recommended to use authentic shoes, such as caligae.

Related topics

Gladiator, Helmet, Manica, Ocrea, Balteus, Subligaculum, Gladius, Pugio, Lorica Hamata, Lorica Musculata, Retiarius, Secutor


Diemacher's fight with scissor. Hierapolis, Pamukkale. Turkey. 2-3 century AD