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Roman Legion - Legio IIII Macedonica

Багерман А.Я.

Legio IIII Macedonica (Fourth Macedonian Legion) was a Roman legion of the imperial era, created by Gaius Julius Caesar in 48 BC to fight against his former ally, Gnaeus Pompey the Great.

Dates of existence: 48 BC – 70 AD

Symbol: Bull and Capricorn, possibly a unicorn

Nicknames: Macedonica (Macedonian)

Battle Path

Coin in honor of Legio IIII Macedonica. Date: 1st century AD. Haltern Museum, Germany. The coin must have been brought to the Rhine region by soldiers from another unit, as IIII Macedonica was never in Haltern.
Inscription on stone from Hispania mentioning Legio IV Macedonica.

Front plate of a catapult from Legio IV Macedonica, 45 BC.
Tombstone of Gn. Caelius from Legio IIII Macedonica. Date: 1st century AD. Mainz Museum, Germany.
Tile with the stamp of Legio IIII Macedonica. Date: approx. 41-69 AD. Mainz Museum, Germany.

Related topics

List of Roman Legions, Legio IIII Flavia Felix, Legion, Legionnaire, Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey the Great, Mark Antony, Octavian Augustus, Legio XXII Primigenia, The Praetorians


1. D. Baatz, "Catapult of Legion IV Macedonica at Cremona," in: Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Institut Röm. Abt.) 87 (1980) 283-299

2. H. Gomez-Pantoja, "Legio IIII Macedonica," in: Yann Le Bohec, Les legions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire (2000, Lyon) 105–117

3. A. Morillo Serdan, "La legio IIII Macedonica en la península Ibérica. El campamento de Herrera de Pisuerga (Palencia)," in: Yann Le Bohec, Les legions de Rome sous le Haut-Empire (2000 Lyon) 609-624

4. R. Cania, "A Brief History of Various Legions."

5. Dando-Collins, "Legions of Rome. The Complete History of Every Roman Legion." M. Centerpolygraph Publishing. 2017.

6. M. Junkelmann, "Augustus' Legions."

7. Y. Le Bohec, "The Roman Army."

8. D. Campbell, B. Delf, "Greek and Roman Artillery 399 BC - 363 AD."